Must read qualities of a private chef

By Celestine Olusegun Oni


This post was inspired out of personal experience working as a private chef and I believe there are some unique qualities that one needs to acquire to perform excellently in the chosen career. As the demand for private chef is increasing on a daily basis in Nigeria, there are extra qualities needed by professional to ensure they are on top of there game.

As we all know, a private chef is a food expert that caters for private individual or family, they mostly lives with there client or spent almost all there days with the particular client based on the agreed terms of stay.

Hereunder are the qualities

1. Secretive ; For the purpose of client safety and security, a private chef should not be a person that talks around mostly about what his clients love to eat or telling people who he or she is working with. In most cases, people who requested the service of a private chef are top dignitaries in the country who want Thier private life to be respected.

2. Physically fit ; A private chef need to have some extra physical fitness to handle the enormous cooking on a daily basis. As there could be different request at the same interval from the client and most especially in a family settings. A private chef don’t really have an assistant, so he or she will be the one to do all the preparation from going to market to cleaning of kitchen and cooking utensils after cooking.

3. Good communication skill ; a good private chef must have a listening ability to take instructions. Most especially special request from the clients.

4. Good timing; a private chef need to be fast on the job to meet up with client busy time schedule as the breakfast, lunch, dinner and special cooking request may come in between. It is expected of a Private to be quick enough for meal preparation


5. Demographics Awareness: one of the amazing extra qualities a private chef can acquire is to be flexible enough to be cautious of some demographic factors of his or her client like the age, sex, religion, season, weather, social life, All the Factor listed earlier will help the chef to decide, design and plan a timely, favourable and a health cautious meal for clients without been informed or been directed all the time.


6. Market Awareness; A good chef should be aware of the price of good and ingredients in the market. He or she need to be sure of the increase and decrease of price of commodity in the market. This will help to create a reasonable budget for the client when planning to go to market for purchase.


7. Stock keeping ability; another enormous task of private chef is to keep track of the ingredients in the store to avoid running out of ingredients when it is urgently needed. As he or she will be the one going in and out of the store, ingredients should never finished before requesting for another one.


8. Maintainable skill ; A good private chef should learn how to keep utensils clean and well maintained. For instance, ensure to fix blender very well before igniting, always switch off appliance from the power source after use, this and many more should be observed.  Although, research had shown that male chef tends to perform better in terms of maintaining utensils rather than female counterpart.


9. Good personal Hygiene; A private chef need to be extra clean to avoid contaminating client’s meal due to bad hygiene habit. A private chef should always take the habit of hand washing regularly, most especially when coming back from the toilet in the middle of food preparation.

10. Cheerfulness; As a private chef, it is expected to be cheerful always regardless of personal encounter with life. Serving or cooking food cheerfulness always boost the chef sense of humility and humour throughout the stay with the client.


The above points listed as a quality of a private is needed to be successful.


Do you want a private chef anywhere in Nigeria at and affordable fee?





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